Oranges and Lemons

No, I'm not writing an entry about an XTC album (much as I love them).  The master samples were labeled Apples, Oranges, Limes, and Lemons and it got down to a choice between those two - Oranges won. I won't go into details about the nature of the different flavors, because those who don't practice the "dark art" of mastering shouldn't dabble in the subtleties inherent in that mystery world.


And speaking of XTC album titles, hop on over to the *brand spankin' new* Photos section of the web site to see some awesome pics of my humble little studio, taken by my daughter and budding photo artist Selena; see if you can pick out which one has the caption Drums and Wires.  (Jeez - I hope Partridge doesn't come around; I might get sued for libel.)

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